Thursday 8 March 2012

Response to The Script's "Science and Faith"

Looking at the Scripts and their album, “Science and Faith” was very interesting to use as an example of an integrationist band. I too think that they are part of this group based on what the vocalist singer said the meaning of the album was. I particularly liked how you used two examples of their songs from the album to illustrate the underlying spiritual tones that might not have been intentional when the music was made, but that were used more as motivational words that allow us to pick ourselves up when bad things occur. I think that noting this part is crucial to The Script’s music and other pop culture bands. The music, as you said, is not made to target a certain group such as Christians. Instead, “Science and Faith” is a medium that provides one with support and guidance when things get hard. Like many other band’s lyrics, how the listener listens to the words in the music is based off their own interpretation. The music could relate to a system of faith, but it doesn’t have to necessarily. The lyrics could just be words that touch people in some way. I think it is this idea that makes the Scripts an integrationist band and not the other two. They aren’t separationists because their music doesn’t focus on faith; ignoring the consumer world of pop culture. They aren’t transformationists because their mission is to make music that involves lyrics based on motivational upbringing and certain issues happening in the world; not whatever sells. Bands should not have to express what their religion is, but instead their focus should be on making music that everyone can hear. Music is meant to be heard so that anyone can take what they hear and interpret it as they choose too, making it have an impact or not on the individual’s life. How people interpret lyrics can impact how bands are viewed, even if at times, those interpretations aren’t the band's intended mission or meaning behind the music.


  1. link to the post i am responding to

  2. It helps when its Sabbath and the day is set apart as holy to find contemporary things fit the category, for me.
