Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Humanity, Hope and Faith Live On

This past Sunday, the season 2 finale of the Walking Dead aired on AMC and what a way to finish off the season, leaving us wanting for more in season 3. There was one particular scene that related to what we highlighted in class, when in times of terror, people begin to be thankful for what they have. The scene took place after the crew had to evacuate the farm because of a walker attack, leaving them spread out in groups, hoping that they would later reunite. Hershel, Rick and Carl were the first to get to the meeting point on the highway. What grabbed my attention was when Hershel, the Catholic figure in the show said something along the lines, “I knew God would resurrect the dead, but I didn’t think it be like this.” He later goes on to tell Rick that he needs to keep moving for Carl’s safety. This scene seemed to show the characters’ loss in hope because Hershel wasn’t sure that the rest escaped the attack and Rick was starting to be doubtful himself, thinking they should keep moving for the sake of Carl’s safety. Carl on the other hand didn’t want to leave and still had faith that his mother and the others were still coming. Well, he was right and the rest of the surviving crew reunited placing light upon the scene. This entire scene showed that even in a zombie apocalypse, there is still a sign of hope and faith that everything will be all right. When Hershel, Rick and Carl saw the rest of the crew, they knew that all wasn’t lost. A sense of hope still existed in which the humanity of the characters was still present. The Walking Dead exemplifies countless times in which the humanity of people is questioned and tested, but in the end, times of terror make people look for the good that is left in a world that seems to have none.

Those who survived from the walker attack on the farm reunited on the highway.

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